Get Private Real Estate Loans To Fund Your Investing
Real estate investing can be capital-intensive. You’ve acquired the property, you have a plan to make money, but now you need additional money to fund the repairs. When you need hard money loans in Pennsylvania or surrounding states for your real estate rehabs, Legacy Capital can help you access capital locked up in your existing assets.

- Build an investing plan with confidence: When you know that you have the financing to fund all of your real estate projects, you can build a confident plan and move forward on your deals.
- Make more money: Funding your real estate deals with traditional banks can be a pain in the “you-know-what” and it takes forever. Avoid missing out on deals because you can’t close on time. Close confidently and quickly with our asset-backed private real estate loan.
- You’re in control: If you don’t have access to capital, contractors seem to vanish and never do the work. But when you have money, you can keep your projects moving and contractors will work at your beck-and-call.
- Accelerate cash flow: High cost rehab delays can keep you from earning lump sum paydays on your flips and monthly cash flow on your rental properties. End the delay of your rehabs, get your property fixed up right away, and start getting cash flow sooner.
- Reduce carrying costs: Every day that your property isn’t sold or rented is a day costing you money. A hard money loan can get your rehab fixed up and ready to rent or sell sooner, saving you from another insurance and utility payment.
Hard money loans for real estate will give you access to capital so you can keep moving forward with your deals.
If You Need Money For Your Real Estate Project, We’re Here To Help.
We fund all types of real estate projects, from fix and flips, to rehab projects, rental property repositioning, and commercial.
“Legacy Capital has enabled me to scale my flip business…”
We help real estate investors capitalize on many situations
If you own free and clear real estate and need cash to fund future purchases…
If you own real estate and need money to fix up the property so you can increase its value…
If you can’t put tenants into a property because you ran out of money to fix up the property…
If you’re acquiring a property that you intend to rehab and flip or refinance as a rental but need the cash…
Then a hard money loan from Legacy Capital can be the fastest, most affordable way to get moving forward on your deal. We have hard money loan programs for many different real estate situations. So click here now to find out what’s right for you.
Respected and established in our Pennsylvania communities
Legacy Capital: Your Hard Money Loan Partner
Tap Into Our Extensive Real Estate Investing Experience To Help Fund Your Next Real Estate Deal
At Legacy Capital, we’re not just lenders, we’re investors too. We get it. We know the challenges you face because we’ve been in your shoes. That’s why we built the company – to provide investors with a reputable, trusted alternative to the lenders who just don’t understand the challenges you face on a daily basis.
Our Hard Money Loans For Real Estate Investors program is specially designed to give investors like you the financial tools you need to get to cash flow faster.
To learn more about the loan programs we offer, click here now and see what’s right for you. Our team is always ready to help you walk through your options and apply our expertise to your investing situation.